Users can save Otii projects in a desired folder and/or export them as a zip archive.
Projects in Otii3 can be saved with “Save” or “Save as”. When the “Save” option is selected for the first time in a new project, it will function as “Save as,” allowing the project to be saved in the desired location and with the assigned name. Later, the “Save” option will only update the project files previously saved. Save projects using "Save"
Navigate to:
Windows & Ubuntu: File > Save, or by pressing Ctrl-S
MacOS: File > Save, or by pressing ⌘-S
Set a name for the Otii project, and click "Save".
Save projects using "Save as"
Navigate to:
Windows & Ubuntu: File > Save as..., or by pressing Shift-Ctrl-S
MacOS: File > Save, or by pressing Shift-⌘-S
Set a name for the Otii project, choose the folder to save the project, and click "Save".
Sharing Otii projects is easy by exporting them as a zip file, which can be directly opened in the Otii 3 Desktop App, whether or not the user owns an Otii Arc Pro or Otii Ace Pro.
Navigate to:
Windows & Ubuntu: File > Export project..., or by pressing Ctrl-E
MacOS: File > Export project..., or by pressing ⌘-E
Set a name for the Otii project, choose the folder to save the project, and click "Save".
Note that the selected folder cannot be the same folder as the project is in.
Otii 3 Desktop App allows users to open a saved project either when opening the application or while working on a project. These projects may be located in a folder or a .zip file previously saved or exported.
When the Otii project is opened, it contains all previous settings such as battery emulator, profiler, analytics configurations, and measurement recordings. This enables users to perform new measurements within the same project.
Open Otii 3 Desktop App.
On the welcome window, below the Actions section, click "Open an Otii project."
Locate the Otii project file and open it.
Navigate to:
Windows & Ubuntu: File > Open, or by pressing Ctrl-O
MacOS: File > Open, or by pressing ⌘-O
Locate the Otii project file and open it.