User management

User management | Desktop application

Read more about logging in and reserving licenses in the Otii 3 Desktop App here:

User management | In test script

It is possible to use the TCP-API directly in the test script for user management:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
If you want the script to login and reserve a license automatically
add a configuration file called credentials.json in the current folder
using the following format:

        "username": "YOUR USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR PASSWORD"

Alternatively you can set the environment variables OTII_USERNAME and OTII_PASSWORD.

from otii_tcp_client import otii_client

# Connect and login to Otii 3
client = otii_client.OtiiClient()
with client.connect(licenses = []) as otii:

The client.connect() is used to connect, login and reserve licenses. It works like this:

  • If the TCP server isn't already logged in, the credentials will be read from a credentials.json file in the current directory, or from the environment variable OTII_USERNAME and OTII_PASSWORD.

  • If there is no Automation Toolbox license reserved and there is a license available, it will automatically be reserved.

  • By default the system will only try to reserve an Automation Toolbox license. If you need to reserve another Toolbox as well add all the licenses you need to the licensesparameter:

client.connect(licenses = [ 'Automation', 'Battery' ])
  • When disconnecting from Otii all licenses that were implicitly reserved will be returned, and if the connect method logged in to the system, it will log out again.

  • If you want to manually reserve a specific license, you use an empty array for the licenses parameter:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from otii_tcp_client import otii_client

# Connect and login to Otii 3
client = otii_client.OtiiClient()
with client.connect(licenses = []) as otii:
    # List all licenses
    licenses = otii.get_licenses()
    for license in licenses:
        print(f'{license["id"]:4d} {license["type"]:12} {license["reserved_to"]:15} {license["hostname"]}')

    # Reserve a license


    # Return license

User management | Python tool

You can do the user management from the command line using our python module. You install the module with:

python3 -m pip install otii_tcp_client

You can then use the otii_control tool for user management:

python3 -m otii_tcp_client.otii_control --help

usage: [-h] {login,logout,list-licenses,reserve-license,return-license} ...

Otii Control

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    login               Log in to Qoitech server
    logout              Log out from Qoitech server
    list-licenses       List all available licenses
    reserve-license     Reserve license
    return-license      Return license

And here is an example bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

python3 -m otii_tcp_client.otii_control login --username johndoe --password mypassword
python3 -m otii_tcp_client.otii_control reserve-license --id 1234
python3 -m otii_tcp_client.otii_control return-license --id 1234
python3 -m otii_tcp_client.otii_control logout

Last updated