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The measurement section includes all the channels that have been selected to be recorded in the general settings tab. These channels are listed under the MEASUREMENTS section in the left sidebar of the Otii 3 Desktop App.
By right-clicking on any of the measurements listed, the following settings menu will be displayed:
Allowing the user to:
Rename: Define a custom name to keep track of the measurement recorded. The measurement can also be easily renamed by double-clicking on the measurement name.
Hide: Hide the measurement to focus the analysis on a different measurement(s). The measurement can also be easily hidden by clicking on the box with the initial letter of the measurement being recorded.
Zoom measurement/Show all: Focus the analysis on one particular measurement. To display all measurements again under the same menu option, click the “Show all” option.
Delete: Delete the recording. Once deleted, the recording can be restored with "undo" Ctrl-Z
/ ⌘-Z
if the undo history hasn't cleared up.
Downsample measurement: Downsampling removes data points from the measurement with average values instead.
Furthermore, under the measurement name, there are three button options that enable the auto scale of the measurements in the Y direction.
Where you can switch between:
N: no autoscaling
V: auto scaling according to the highest and lowest viewed values
P: auto scaling according to the highest and lowest value in the entire project
Another option can be seen in the UART log.
F: follow UART log. This has the same function as follow recording but is for the UART window. The last message will be shown at the bottom of the log. This will be automatically disabled when scrolling in the UART log, so as a user, you need to select it again to have it follow the last log message.