Settings overview

Otii 3 Desktop App can be easily customized and parameterized to either look or operate as you choose.

  1. Open Otii 3 Desktop App.

  2. Navigate to:

    • Windows & Ubuntu: File > Settings, or by pressing Ctrl-,.

    • MacOS: Otii 3 > Settings, or by pressing ⌘-,.

  3. The settings window will be open:

This section allows to configure the following settings:

  • Theme: Customize the interface theme as you like. Choose between Dark, Dark - Blue, Dark - Green, and Dark - Yellow.

  • Max supply voltage: As a safety practice, set the maximum supply voltage based on the device under test (DUT) technical characteristics. The default voltage is 5.5V.

  • Statistics: Specify the mode in which the statistics will be calculated for the ongoing project when a selection is not made:

    • Project: Statistics are calculated for the entire recording.

    • View: Statistics are calculated only for the displayed part of the recording.

  • Significant figures: Affects the number of figures within the statistics and in the monitor.

  • Min track height: Minimum height of the window measurement before start scrolling it

  • Verbose logging: When enabled, add more information to the otii3.log to improve debugging.

  • Do not show user management automatically: When it is not enabled, and you are logged in and have no reserved licenses, User Management will automatically open when a new project is started.

  • Reset: Resets any settings made and assigns the default settings.

Last updated